
No More Ransom celebrates its 4th Anniversary


No More Ransom, an initiative of by the National High Tech Crime Unit of the Netherlands’ police, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre, Kaspersky and McAfee, is the firsts public-private partnership aiming at helping victims of ransomware recover their encrypted data without having to pay a ransom to criminals. The platform, that celebrates its fourth anniversary this month, has registered since its launch over 4.2 million visitors from 188 different countries and is available in 36 different languages.

Powered by the contributions of its 163 partners, among which is the Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL), the No More Ransom decryption tool has stopped an estimated $ 632 million in ransom demands from being paid by victims and can decrypt 140 different types of ransomware infections.

Though the No More Ransom can be a real life-saver for ransomware victims, is important to note that there are still many types of ransomwares that cannot be decrypted. Prevention remains then the best cure. To protect yourself from ransomwares, you can follow No More Ransom’s prevention advice.